RED OX GROUP LTD for Door Supervision and Security Guarding. We provide high-caliber security officers, dedicated to serving clients and the public sector, from our humble beginning, RED OX GROUP LTD has blossomed into a dynamic and customer-focused security company, strategically positioned to deliver high-quality manned guarding at huge savings to clients.


RED OX GROUP LTD is dedicated to consistently providing quality services at huge savings to clients. We believe this is the way forward for the security industry and we are staking our future growth and development on achieving this goal. We have a dedicated team of security professionals, who are committed, SIA Licensed, Vetted, Screened, Uniformed, and maintain a professional appearance while on the job.
We have a high guard retention rate which proves their quality of work. Our security guards are selected after a recruitment process that involves oral and written assessments. We arrange company introduction and site induction according to standards. Our security guards on the construction site also take health and safety training through CSCS card testing. We also arrange and encourage our security staff to participate in different training schemes aimed at increasing their knowledge and skills. We also give incentives to security guards who show good time keeping, attendance and performance. We ensure our guard’s vigilance, dedication, and diligence, and by quality services, we referred our consistency in supplying security officers who are;

  • SIA License
  • Screened to the highest industry standard
  • Smartly dressed with a pleasant disposition
  • Good communicators, able to project a positive image of your organization
  • Vigilant, Diligent, and Proactive
  • Proud of their profession


Crucial to the success of our role as a back up service to security companies is our ability to carry out every given task in strict confidence. To this end, all our security officers are trained in processes and procedures aimed at achieving this objective. Also, a comprehensive client confidentiality agreement that protects both parties against unauthorised approaches on staff and clients shall be signed.


Selecting a competent and reliable manned security company requires the careful appraisal of competing companies against predetermined performance criteria. Selection criteria may include company size, performance history, reputation, screening, selection and monitoring policy, training of security officers, price, delivery of customer service, labor relations, delivery capability, adherence to industry standards and regulations, logistical capability, management ability and value for money.

Whatever your business type or requirements, most of the above criteria will rightfully feature in your selection area. However, it is important to stress that the value for money need not translate into a high cost burden on clients. At ROSS, we have summarised the above criteria into our quality services at huge saving offers to clients, regardless of your size or the volume of work undertaken.


Our screening policy is in close compliance with BSI 7858 Code of practice for security screening of personnel employed in a security environment and the newly introduced SIA licensing regulations. These cover areas such as proof of identity, provision of identity, reference, application and reference forms, personnel employed in security screening and record keeping. Information obtained from applicants includes candidates activities fro the last 5 years, candidates eligibility to work in UK, documentary evidence of background, experience and character evidence, directly obtained from former employers and educational authorities, a continuous records of their careers for the whole screening period and two written character reference from people with personal knowledge of the person. being screened.


Prior to becoming RED OX GROUP LTD officer, every applicant undergoes a three-stage selection process. This process commences with the pre-selection stage, which takes into account the applicant’s security experience, ability to use their own initiative, ability to work alone or as a member of the team, and his/her ability to write concise reports.

Successful candidates from the pre-selection stage move onto the induction stage which comprises a training program that culminates in a test to determine candidates’ suitability. The induction stage incorporates the roles and duties of a security officer, client requirements, reporting, patrolling, fire prevention, major incidents, relevant electronic devices, and health & safety.

The final stage involves the interview of candidates from the two previous stages by the senior security recruitment specialists. Only successful candidates from all three stages are employed to work on our client’s sites.


RED OX GROUP LTD is strategically positioned to deliver SIA approved manned security training, which is now a requirement for all the security officers before they are able to obtain SIA license. To this end, our lead trainer is skilled for door supervisors. He also has a satisfactorily completed the communication and conflict management.

All RED OX GROUP LTD security officers undergo a communication and customer care training program in addition to standard security training. Security officers with no prior site experience also undertake a mandatory onsite training program. Refresher courses are also organized at regular intervals for all over security officers in our drive to stamp out bad practices, which might have crept into their work activities, and to help them cope with an ever-changing work environment


The progress of our security officers is regularly monitored and appraised throughout the duration of every given task. We operate a 24-hour control center geared towards meeting this requirement. Clients can also negotiate a mobile patrol service to undertake spot checks of security officers. Regular appraisal meetings are also held with the security officers and clients to review performance. Monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports are produced and copies are made available to clients.


RED OX GROUP LTD is leading the way in assuring quality to our valued clients. We enter into agreement with clients on quality standards that can be expected of RED OX GROUP LTD over the duration of a contract, we believe that such quality guarantee policy sends a positive message to clients of our relentless strive to ensure constant services quality over the duration of every given task, it also serves to remind our security officers that poor quality services will not be tolerated at any time over the duration of contract. A proportion of the company’s profit is shared amongst security officers who uphold our quality culture.

We have unwavering commitment to provide security guards of highest caliber and the usage of latest security technology. We have offer best services along with the best value for the clients money. We always look for new means and opportunities to improve and the security services we offer. RED OX GROUP LTD offers proactive, cost effective and advanced security solutions.


We cover anywhere in united kingdom


We promised to fulfil the following obligations:

  • Provide vetted, trained, and experienced security staff
  • Provide a consistently high-quality service that compliments your image
  • Set our prices at the most competitive level
  • Provide insurance cover for all our security officers deputed on your premises
  • Provide a written report within 12 hours of all incidents and major occurrences
  • Regular consultation with clients in our efforts to maintain high-quality service