
RED OX GROUP LTD (RED OX GROUP LTD) is committed to providing a working environment, which is free from harassment, bullying or intimidation of any nature. Every employee has a responsibility to treat colleagues with dignity and respect irrespective of their race, sex, marital or health status, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, political conviction or membership or non- membership of a trade union or staff organisation.

Company Definitions

The Directors at RED OX GROUP LTD define bullying (these examples should not be considered exhaustive)as any offensive, abusive, intimidating, malicious, or insulting behavior, negative and inaccurate attacks on a colleague’s personal or professional performance, criticizing a colleague in front of others, excluding colleagues by talking solely to third parties to isolate another, abuse of power or unfair penal sanctions which make the recipient feel upset, threatened, humiliated or vulnerable or which undermines an individual’s self-confidence.

Harassment may be a persistent or isolated incident and may be directed towards an individual or group of individuals at work, by one individual, or by a group of individuals. Harassment is defined (these examples should not be considered exhaustive) as any behavior, which is unwanted, unreciprocated, and offensive to another. This behavior can take the form of physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct. The types of unacceptable behaviors involved may include unwelcome, unreciprocated, or offensive conduct with regard to race, gender, disability, sexuality, religion, age, or any other grounds that cannot be shown to be justifiable.

Disciplinary & Other Possible Actions

The Directors at RED OX GROUP LTD define bullying (these examples should not be considered exhaustive)as any offensive, abusive, intimidating, malicious, or insulting behavior, negative and inaccurate attacks on a colleague’s personal or professional performance, criticizing a colleague in front of others, excluding colleagues by talking solely to third parties to isolate another, abuse of power or unfair penal sanctions which make the recipient feel upset, threatened, humiliated or vulnerable or which undermines an individual’s self-confidence.

Harassment may be a persistent or isolated incident and may be directed towards an individual or group of individuals at work, by one individual, or by a group of individuals. Harassment is defined (these examples should not be considered exhaustive) as any behavior, which is unwanted, unreciprocated, and offensive to another. This behavior can take the form of physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct. The types of unacceptable behaviors involved may include unwelcome, unreciprocated, or offensive conduct with regard to race, gender, disability, sexuality, religion, age, or any other grounds that cannot be shown to be justifiable.

Disciplinary & Other Possible Actions

Bullying or harassment are viewed as serious or gross misconduct, dependent upon the circumstances, and may be subject to action under the Company’s disciplinary procedure. In addition, to intentionally harass, alarm or distress can be a criminal offence, therefore, reference to, and application of, the harassment policy does not deny or inhibit in any way whatsoever, either the employers’ or employee’s legal rights, responsibilities, obligations, and remedies. In extreme cases dismissal and criminal prosecution can result.

Policy Intentions

The policy is intended to eliminate bullying and harassment in the workplace by:-

Promoting a climate in which employees feel valued and sufficiently supported in bringing forward complaints without fear of victimization or recrimination.