In line with our mission statement and approach: “We are committed to quality, reliability, and integrity and we take pride in all that we do” and “Being the best at what we do”

This Code is designed to highlight the important things you need to know about working for RED OX GROUP LTD.


  1. Always find the time to do something safely, no matter how urgent things seem at the time
  2. Treat everyone, particularly colleagues and customers with dignity and respect
  3. Try not only to meet customer’s expectations, but to exceed them
  4. Make sure you understand and meet all requirements in your employment, customer and supplier contracts
  5. Maintain the highest standards of integrity and competence. Always be open and honest in performing your duties
  6. Safeguard company confidential information by keeping it secure.
  7. Keep accurate and honest records.
  8. Understand the law about your job, and if you think something you are doing or asked to do might be against the law speak to your line manager
  9. Use company equipment such as PC’s, email, mobile phones etc for business use only


  1. Discriminate or treat anyone any different based on their age, race, skin color, ethnic or national origin, trade union membership, marital status and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, disability, religion and belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment
  2. Engage in any contact with company competitors where prices, markets, or customers are discussed. (Take advice from your manager before meeting with competitors).
  3. Disclose company confidential information (or non-public information)to external parties or use confidential information for your personal financial benefit or to tip others off — it’s illegal
  4. Engage in any activity that could be considered corrupt, unethical, or illegal
  5. Accept anything of value which could be described as a “sweetener” to doing business with someone
  6. Engage in any personal activity which could interfere with the interests of the company (e.g. working for a competitor, customer, or supplier). If you are not sure whether there is a conflict of interest, talk to your manager.
  7. Use any illegal substances on RED OX sites or whilst representing the Company

if you have any concerns whatsoever speak to your manager or to the HR team (you are encouraged to “speak up
’ HR —


Examples of situations when disciplinary action will be taken

1. General

The examples listed here are not exhaustive but give an indication of the main occurrences, which Will give rise to the disciplinary measures indicated. In each case, individual circumstances will be taken into account at a Disciplinary Hearing before a decision is made on the appropriate disciplinary measure.

2. Summary Dismissal

Gross Misconduct

The examples listed here are not exhaustive but give an indication of the main occurrences, which Will give rise to the disciplinary measures indicated. In each case, individual circumstances will be taken into account at a Disciplinary Hearing before a decision is made on the appropriate disciplinary measure.

Gross misconduct is misconduct of such a serious and fundamental nature that it breaches the contractual relationship between the employee and the Company. In the event that an employee commits an act of gross misconduct, the Company will be entitled to terminate summarily the employee’s contract of employment without notice or pay in lieu of notice.

The following are examples of circumstances that are considered gross misconduct, and serious enough to justify summary dismissal (without notice).

i. Knowing and/or deliberate contravention of Health and Safety regulations, which includes smoking in an unauthorized area. Also, failing to report a serious Health and Safety breach committed by others.

ii. Conduct that is considered to be in breach of the Company’s Equal Opportunities Policy and Bullying & Harassment Policy (i.e. unlawful harassment and/or discrimination)

iii. A serious failure to adhere to the Assignment instructions applicable to a client’s contract.

iv. Failure to carry out a lawful/legitimate reasonable instruction and/or a required task at work without due and sufficient cause

v. Work or present yourself for work whilst under the influence of alcohol or restricted drugs, or consume them while on duty

vi. Violence towards other persons or property, or destruction, damage or abuse of Company’s or client’s or third parties property, machinery or equipment; this includes ‘threatening to use violence against another person, particularly where the person believes his/her safety is at risk

vii. Be rude or uncivil to persons encountered in the course of work or make unnecessary use of authority in connection with the discharge of RED OX GROUP LTD’s business

viii. The use of obscene or abusive language or behavior and/or gross insubordination, particularly in the
presence of others

ix. Act in a manner likely to bring discredit upon RED OX GROUP LTD, a client, or fellow employee
x. Behavior that seriously damages Company’s trust in the employee’s conduct and future good faith or which brings the company ‘or our client’s name into dispute

Xi serious or gross negligence – professional or otherwise – which includes leaving the assignment (position and/or site) without proper relief or sufficient grounds.

xii. Extremely irresponsible behavior

xiii Falsification – including deliberate omissions — of Company or client records; this includes Clocking in or out for another employee or asking someone to do this

xiv. Knowingly making or signing false verbal or written statements of any description

xv Providing misleading, untruthful, inaccurate, and/or fraudulent information or documentation during the recruitment and selection process

xvi. Without authority divulge any matter which is confidential to RED OX GROUP LTD or RED OX GROUP LTD’s clients, either past or present.

xvii. Corruptly solicit or receive any gratuity or other consideration from. any person or fail to account for keys, money, or property received in connection with RED OX GROUP LTD’s business

xviii. Failure to immediately notify of any investigation and/or conviction for a civil or criminal offense (including motoring offenses) to RED OX GROUP LTD.

xix. Unauthorized possession OR use of property or money belonging to the Company, its client(s), other employees, or members of the public — this includes unauthorized use of telephone and computer equipment. The value of the money or property will have no effect on the disciplinary action taken but ”may influence any decision about taking legal proceedings for the recovery of it

xx. Breach of the Company’s or its clients’ policies in relation to the use of computer equipment; refer to A ‘-the Email and Internet Policy.

xxi. Allow access to a client’s premises OR property to any unauthorized person, regardless of the employee’s relationship with the unauthorized person

xxii. To sleep whilst located on an assignment; if an employee is required to be available/contactable during his/her break (i.e. for emergency procedures), this includes break periods.

xxiii. Unauthorized absence of 3 consecutive working days (or more) without notification contact being made With the employee’s Line Manager or the Control Room

XXV- refusing to work an agreed/ongoing rolling roster; fundamental breach of contract

XXV’ Gaining nth? employment whether paid or unpaid whilst continuing to work for RED OX GROUP LTD —Without gaining prior written authorization from the Company (applicable and subject to the contract the employee works under)

XX VI- Any act by the employee which would cause the Company to contravene the law by continuing to employ that person

xxvii. Bribery offenses under the Bribery Act 2010

xxvm. Conduct that is considered to be in breach of the Company’s Social Medial Policy/Procedure

XXiX. Using the Company’s credit card for personal purchases

XXX. Failure to report driving convictions, bans, points on license, failure to produce your driving license when asked.

3. Breach of Company Policies

Any breach of Company policies will be reviewed and considered and may result in disciplinary action including dismissal.

4. Special Circumstances

Loss (or expiry of) of a SIA Licence, or similar disqualification, for an employee who requires a licence in order to perform the tasks for which he/she is employed will lead to a review of the employee’s employment, which may include consideration of dismissal. It is a Statutory Requirement to have a valid SlA Licence to work as a Security Officer.