RED OX GROUP LTD (RED OX GROUP LTD) conducts its business against high standards of safety and as such, the Company is committed to promoting a healthy lifestyle, thus encouraging a safe and efficient workforce.

It is RED OX GROUP LTD employee’s responsibility, as set out in Health & Safety at Work legislation, to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and that of other employees such as colleagues, customers, and suppliers who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.

As the misuse use of alcohol or drugs may lead to health problems, including dependency, it is necessary to identify those RED OX GROUP LTD employees with an alcohol or drug problem quickly, both to provide assistance and to ensure that the threat to health and safety is minimized. ROSSUK LTD wishes to ensure that all its employees recognize this threat, aiming to minimize the risks involved.

RED OX GROUP LTD does not condone or tolerate its employees being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs whilst representing the company in any way.

To ensure that RED OX GROUP LTD meets its objectives, all employees are expected to be aware of and comply with, this Drugs and Alcohol Policy which prohibits the following:

Dispensing, distributing, possessing, using, selling, or offering to buy or sell alcohol and or drugs whilst at work. Supplying drugs on any RED OX GROUP LTD premises (including RED OX GROUP LTD client’s premises) will be reported immediately to the police.

Reporting for work, working, or attempting to work whilst under the influence of alcohol and /or drugs including prescription drugs, except when under and in accordance with a Doctor’s direction and when such use will not affect the employee’s ability to perform their duties safely.

To assist in the successful implementation of this Drugs and Alcohol Policy, the Company reserves the right to have tests carried out on employees following any incident, where there is reasonable suspicion that alcohol and/or drug use may have been a contributory factor.

If a RED OX GROUP LTD Manager or Supervisor has reasonable cause to suspect that an employee is under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs and/or their work performance is impaired as a result of using alcohol and/or drugs, the Company likewise reserves the right to have tests carried out on the individual concerned.

Reasonable suspicion can be assumed to refer to abnormal behavior being displayed by an individual or any other sign symptomatic of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

In addition, RED OX GROUP LTD reserves the right to establish a level of unannounced testing which may take place throughout the Company on all levels of staff.